• Tax Returns

Tax Refund Decoded, From Myths to Mastery for Self-Employed

Navigating through the complexities of tax refund can be a daunting task. Especially for self-employed individuals. Additionally, misconceptions associated with tax refunds for self-employed make it even more challenging. But don’t worry. You have landed in the right place.

Here, I’ll provide you with a comprehensive guide, having a detailed step-by-step approach to lodge a tax return. Moreover, I’ve addressed some common myths associated with tax refunds for the self-employed. So, let’s discover.

How to lodge a tax refund

Self-employed individuals find lodging a tax refund a daunting task. However, with proper guidance, the process is streamlined. In this section, I’ll give you a detailed step-by-step guide on how individuals can lodge their tax refunds.

1.      Gather Your Documents

Before you lodge your tax refund, gather all the necessary documents. These include:

  • Payment summaries from all income sources
  • Records of any tax deductions or expenses you aim to claim.
  • Bank statements or receipts for relevant expenses.
  • Tax File Number
  • Any other relevant documents relating to your income or expenditure.     

2.      Choose Your Lodgment Method

There are various ways to lodge your tax refund. The following are these.

  • The easiest and most convenient way to lodge your tax refund is through MyGov using ATO’s online services.
  • Alternatively, you can use tax preparation software approved by ATO. This software guides you through the process and ensures accuracy.
  • If you prefer to seek professional assistance, you can engage a registered tax agent on your behalf.  They provide you with expert advice and assistance with your tax matters.   

Use a tax refund calculator to know the estimated tax return.

3.      Prepare And Complete Your Tax Return

After choosing the method, complete your tax return. This involves:

  • Entering your personal information. Provide your bank account details to receive your tax refund directly into your account.
  • Providing details of your income sources
  • Claiming tax deductions or tax offsets you are eligible for. Expenses related to study and training may be eligible for tax deductions. Don’t forget to include the Medicare levy.
  • Reviewing your pay stubs to confirm the amount of tax withheld by your employer.
  • Reviewing your tax return to ensure accuracy and completeness.

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4.      Lodge Your Tax Return

Once you have completed your tax return, lodge it with ATO. If you are taking professional assistance, the tax agent with lodge on your behalf.

5.      Track The Progress Of Your Return

Track your progress continually. This will tell you about your refund status. It informs you when your return is received, processed, and issued.

6.      Contact ATO If Needed

If you face any issues during the process, contact ATO for assistance. They provide you with guidance and support to resolve your issue.

Myths about Tax Refund for Self-Employed

Understanding tax refunds is crucial for self-employed. This is because it directly impacts their financial well-being and business sustainability. Tax refund provides you with an opportunity to recoup overpaid taxes. It also allows you to claim deductions and credits that can significantly reduce tax liabilities.

Self-employed individuals often manage their finances independently. Maximizing tax refunds can provide them with essential funds for their business growth. However, navigating through the complexities of the procedure along with the misconceptions can be challenging. Here, I’ll talk about some common misconceptions regarding self-employed tax refunds. Not only misconceptions. I’ll also tell you about the facts. Most importantly, I’ll tell you how Taxly.ai helps you optimize your tax outcomes.

Let’s debunk some common myths.

1.      Self-employed individuals can’t claim many deductions.

Some self-employed individuals believe that they have limited deductions available to them. this results in missed opportunities to reduce their taxable income.


Self-employed individuals are eligible for numerous deductions. This includes their business expenses, home office deductions, vehicle expenses, equipment purchases, and professional development costs. Taxly.ai employs advanced algorithms to identify applicable deductions based on the information about your business activities. Thus, ensuring you claim all eligible expenses, maximizing your tax refund.

Suggested Read: 10 Self-Employment Tax Deductions and Benefits for Australians

2.      Self-employed tax refunds are small or non-existent.

Many self-employed individuals think that they won’t receive significant tax refunds. This is due to their business structure or income level.


Self-employed individuals do face unique tax challenges. This may include managing irregular income or navigating complex deductions. However, taxly.ai is designed to optimize your tax outcomes. It accurately tracks your income and expenses throughout the year. Moreover, it identifies opportunities to minimize tax liabilities and maximize tax refunds, regardless of business size or structure.

3.      Filing taxes as self-employed is complicated.

Some self-employed individuals find the tax filing process difficult. They believe that it is too complicated to navigate without professional assistance.


Taxly.ai has made the whole procedure easier than ever. It simplifies complex tax concepts and provides personalized insights. It guides you through the entire tax preparation process. This includes organizing your financial documents, identifying deductible expenses, and completing your tax refund accurately.

4.      Self-employed individuals are more likely to be audited by tax authorities.

There is a common misconception that self-employed individuals are at a higher risk of being audited by tax authorities.


Self-employed individuals face scrutiny the same as any other taxpayer. Taxly.ai minimizes the risk further. It ensures accurate reporting of income and deductions. Taxly’s comprehensive record-keeping and real-time compliance checks reduce the likelihood of errors. Thus, providing you with peace of mind throughout the tax season.

5.      Tax planning is not essential for self-employed individuals.

Some self-employed individuals think that tax planning is not necessary for them. it is only for traditional employees.


Tax planning is equally important for self-employed individuals. It helps them optimize deductions, minimize tax liabilities, and maximize refunds. Taxly.ai offers personalized tax planning based on the information of your finances. Thus, helping you make informed decisions.

Debunking these common myths will help you navigate your tax obligations confidently and optimize your refund potential. 


Lodging a refund is no longer a challenge. Follow this step-by-step guide and you’re there. But remember! Tax laws may change between income years. So, stay informed about any updates.

Moreover, understanding facts and dispelling myths is essential to maximize full potential. With taxly.ai by your side, you can streamline your refund process and optimize your tax outcomes.

Don’t let misconceptions hinder your success!

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  • Jaxon Rylah

    Jaxon Rylah, an Australian of diverse heritage, brings a wealth of expertise to his role as an Author at Taxly.ai. With over 5 years of experience in the field, Jaxon's deep understanding of accounting principles and regulations allows him to provide...



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