• Tax Deductions

Work from Home Tax Deduction In Australia: Check Your Eligibility

Are you one of the millions of people who transitioned from a traditional office setting to working from home? Working remotely has become a new norm in our modern professional lives. However, amidst the benefits of this shift, certain tax implications and potential work from home deduction apply to remote workers.

We understand that navigating the complex world of taxes, especially when working from home, is challenging. You may have common questions like: 

“Am I eligible to claim work from home deduction?”

“What expenses can I deduct?”

and “How do I ensure I’m maximising my savings?”

Fear not! We’re here to provide you with clear, practical, and reliable answers.

Are you Eligible to Claim Work from Home Tax Deduction in Australia?

As a tax expert with knowledge of the Australian tax system, I can provide specific insights on how to check your eligibility to claim work-from-home tax deductions in Australia. Here’s what you need to consider:

Eligibility to Claim

In Australia, you may be eligible to claim work-from-home tax deductions if you are an employee or running a business from your home. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) allows deductions for individuals who have incurred additional expenses as a result of working from home.

Income Years

To claim work-from-home deductions, you need to identify the specific income years you worked remotely. Ensure you have accurate records and documentation for these income years, including payslips, invoices, and any official work-from-home agreements.

Hours Worked from Home

The ATO requires you to have actually worked from your home office to claim deductions. It’s important to keep track of the number of hours you spent performing work-related activities at home. This can include tasks like answering emails, making phone calls, or conducting virtual meetings.

Fulfilling Your Employment Duties

To establish eligibility, you must show that your home office is necessary to fulfill your employment duties. This can include tasks that are specific to your role or require a dedicated workspace. For example, if you need specialized equipment, maintain confidential client information, or perform administrative tasks from your home office, you are more likely to meet the eligibility criteria.

Additional Tips:

Maintain accurate records of the hours worked from home, specific tasks performed, and any official documentation from your employer highlighting the necessity of a home office to support your claim. This documentation could include work-from-home agreements, job descriptions, or emails discussing remote work requirements.

Important Note:

ATO provides a simplified and detailed method for calculating work-from-home deductions. The simplified method allows individuals to claim a fixed rate per hour worked, while the detailed method requires tracking and calculating actual expenses.

Methods to Calculate Work from Home Tax Deduction in Australia

The two methods for calculating deductions for work-from-home expenses in Australia are the revised fixed rate method and the cost method.

Revised Fixed Rate Method

With this simplified approach, you can claim a fixed rate of 67 cents per hour for the hours worked from your home office. This rate covers expenses such as electricity, heating, cooling, and depreciation of office furniture. It also includes other work-related costs like phone and internet usage. The revised fixed rate method simplifies record-keeping as you don’t need to track specific expenses. However, there is a limitation of 80 cents per hour, which includes all additional work-from-home expenses. [1]

For example:

Let’s suppose you worked from your home office for 200 hours during the income year. Under the revised fixed rate method, you can claim a fixed rate of 67 cents per hour. Using this rate, your deduction would be calculated as follows:

Deduction = Hours worked x Fixed rate per hour Deduction = 200 hours x $0.67 Deduction = $134

In this case, you would be eligible to claim a deduction of $104 for your work-from-home expenses using the revised fixed rate method.

Cost Method

The cost method allows you to calculate deductions based on the actual expenses incurred while working from home. You need to maintain detailed records of relevant expenses such as electricity, gas, internet, phone bills, home office equipment, and repairs or maintenance specific to your home office. To use the cost method, you determine the proportion of your home used for work purposes and apply that percentage to each relevant expense to calculate your deductible amount.

For Example:

Suppose you have incurred various expenses while working from home, such as electricity, internet, and home office equipment. Let’s consider the following scenario:

  • Total electricity bill for the year: $1,200
  • Percentage of your home used as a dedicated office space: 20%
  • Total cost of home office equipment: $2,000

To calculate the deductible amount using the cost method, you would apply the percentage of your home office use to each expense:

  • Electricity deduction = Total electricity bill x Percentage of office use = $1,200 x 20% = $240
  • Equipment deduction = Total cost of equipment x Percentage of office use = $2,000 x 20% = $400

In this case, you would be eligible to claim a deduction of $240 for electricity expenses and $400 for equipment expenses, totaling $640 using the cost method.

Important to Remember!

You must choose one method for calculating your deductions and apply it consistently to all eligible expenses. 

Working from Home Tax Deduction Expenses Categories

Let’s explore the two categories of work from home tax deduction expenses: home office setup and additional expenses as a result of working from home:

1. Deductible Expenses in Home Office Setup:

a) Dedicated Home Office

If you have a dedicated area in your home used exclusively for work purposes, you can claim expenses related to that space. This may include a portion of rent or mortgage interest, property insurance, and rates.

b) Office Furniture

Expenses incurred for purchasing or maintaining office furniture used in your dedicated home office can also be claimed. This includes desks, chairs, shelves, and filing cabinets. You can either claim the full cost of items valued at $300 or less in the year of purchase or depreciate the cost over their effective life for items exceeding $300.

2. Additional Deductible Expenses as a Result of Working from Home:

a) Electricity and Heating/Cooling: 

You can claim a portion of your electricity and heating/cooling expenses that directly relate to your work-from-home activities. This includes the costs associated with powering and maintaining your home office equipment and maintaining a comfortable work environment.

b) Internet and Phone Usage: 

If you use your personal internet or phone for work purposes, you can claim a portion of the expenses. This can be calculated based on the percentage of work-related use compared to personal use.

c) Computer and Software: 

Expenses related to purchasing or upgrading computers, laptops, tablets, and software used for work can be claimed. However, if the cost exceeds $300, it may need to be depreciated over its effective life.

d) Repairs and Maintenance:

You can claim expenses for repairs and maintenance directly associated with your home office area, such as painting, carpet repairs, or fixing office equipment.

Important to Remember!

You must meet the eligibility criteria set by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to claim these expenses. Keep detailed records, including invoices, receipts, and documentation supporting the necessity of these expenses for your work-from-home arrangements.

It’s advisable to consult with a tax professional who specializes in Australian tax laws to ensure accuracy and compliance with the ATO guidelines. 

How to Claim Work from Home Deduction in Australia?

Claiming the work-from-home deduction can be a valuable opportunity to reduce your taxable income and maximize your savings. To help you through the process, here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Determine Eligibility: Firstly, ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria set by the tax authority in your country. This usually involves fulfilling specific requirements related to your employment status, work arrangements, and the necessity of a home office for your job.
  2. Gather Documentation: Collect all relevant documentation that supports your claim. This may include records of hours worked from home, work-from-home agreements, emails discussing remote work requirements, and receipts/invoices for eligible expenses.
  3. Understand Deductible Expenses: Familiarize yourself with the expenses that can be claimed as part of the work-from-home deduction. These can include a portion of rent or mortgage interest, utility bills, internet and phone expenses, office supplies, and depreciation of office furniture or equipment.
  4. Choose the Appropriate Method: Determine whether you will use the simplified method (such as the revised fixed rate method) or the detailed method to calculate your deduction. Consider the advantages and limitations of each method and choose the one that suits your circumstances best.
  5. Complete Your Tax Return: When it’s time to file your tax return, make sure to accurately report your income and include the work-from-home deduction in the relevant section. Follow the instructions provided by your tax authority and fill in the necessary forms or schedules.

Suggested Read: How do I Find my Tax File Number in Australia?

  1. Provide Required Information: Provide any additional information or details required to support your claim. This may involve explaining the nature of your work, the percentage of your home used for business purposes, and any other relevant information requested by your tax authority.
  2. Review and Submit: Carefully review your tax return before submission, ensuring all information is accurate and complete. Double-check that you’ve only claimed eligible expenses and that you’ve followed the guidelines provided by your tax authority.

Remember, it’s crucial to only claim expenses that are genuinely work-related and supported by documentation. Avoid claiming personal expenses or exaggerating your deductions, as this can lead to penalties or potential audits.

How to Maximize Work from Home Tax Savings in Australia?

To maximize your work-from-home tax savings in Australia, follow these step-by-step strategies:

  1. Understand Eligibility: Familiarize yourself with the eligibility criteria set by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Ensure that you meet the requirements, including the need to have a dedicated home office space and fulfill your employment duties from home.
  2. Claim the Working from Home Deduction: Determine which method of claiming deductions suits you best: the revised fixed rate method or the cost method. Consider factors such as convenience, record-keeping requirements, and the potential for higher deductions.
  3. Keep Detailed Records: Maintain accurate records of your work-from-home activities and expenses. This includes keeping track of the hours worked from home, any work-related phone and internet usage, and receipts for eligible expenses.
  4. Occasional Tasks: Don’t overlook the occasional work-related tasks you perform outside of your dedicated home office. Even if you occasionally check emails or perform work-related activities in other areas of your home, you may still be eligible to claim those additional expenses. Keep a record of these occasional tasks and any associated expenses.
  5. Seek Professional Advice: Consider consulting with a tax professional or accountant who specializes in Australian tax laws. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific circumstances and ensure you’re maximizing your work-from-home tax savings while remaining compliant with the ATO guidelines.
  6. Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest ATO guidelines and changes related to work-from-home deductions. Tax laws and regulations can evolve, so staying informed will help you take full advantage of any potential savings.


In conclusion, mastering work-from-home tax deductions in Australia is the key to maximising your savings. From eligibility to deductible expenses, we’ve covered it all. Remember to keep detailed records, choose the right method, and consult professionals. Claim your deductions confidently and unlock financial success in your remote work journey. Stay informed and compliant with the ever-changing tax regulations. Thank you for joining us on this informative journey. Here’s to your work-from-home tax savings!

Related Read: All You Need to Know About Tax Deductions in Australia

References: [1] ATO announces changes to working from home deductions – ATO

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