• Tax Advice

End of Financial Year Tax Tips for Australians​​

The financial year starts on July 1st and ends on June 30th of the following calendar year. For instance, the financial year 2023-2024 starts on July 1st, 2023, and concludes on June 30th, 2024. This period is crucial for tax reporting, as it determines income tax liabilities, eligibility for deductions, and the timing of various financial activities for individuals, businesses, and other entities in Australia.

Useful End of Financial Year Tax Tips for Australians​​

Maximize Deductions: 

Make sure to claim all eligible deductions. This includes work-related expenses, charitable donations, and investment costs. Keep receipts organized and consider prepaying deductible expenses before June 30th.

  • Receipt Organization: Keep receipts for work-related expenses for up to five years. According to the ATO, if an expense is under $300, you can claim it even without receipts, but you still need to show how you calculated the amount.
  • Claiming Car Expenses: Maintain a logbook for at least 12 consecutive weeks (if you’re using the logbook method) and record odometer readings at the start and end of the income year.
  • Education Expenses: Ensure the course or program you’re undertaking relates directly to your current employment or is likely to result in increased income. Save receipts for course fees, textbooks, and travel expenses related to your education.


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    Super Contributions: 

    Boost your retirement savings by making extra contributions to your superannuation. Check the annual contribution caps to avoid penalties and take advantage of any government co-contributions or tax offsets.

    • Contribution Caps: For the 2022-2023 financial year, the concessional contribution cap is $27,500 for all individuals regardless of age.
    • Spouse Contributions: You may be eligible for an 18% tax offset on contributions of up to $3,000 if your spouse earns less than $40,000.

    Capital Gains and Losses: 

    Review your investments to assess capital gains or losses. Consider selling underperforming assets to offset gains, reducing your overall taxable income.

    • Review Investments: Check each asset’s purchase and sale dates to determine if a capital gain or loss has been made.
    • Timing Sales: Capital gains tax (CGT) is generally only applicable when you sell an asset. If you expect a high-income year, consider delaying the sale of profitable assets to a year with a lower income.

    Prepay Expenses: 

    For small businesses or self-employed individuals, consider prepaying expenses like rent, insurance, or subscriptions before the end of the financial year to claim deductions earlier.

    • Timing Payments: For small businesses with a turnover of less than $5 billion, the instant asset write-off threshold is $150,000. Ensure assets are installed and ready for use by June 30th to claim deductions in the current financial year.
    • Small Business Deductions: Eligible small businesses can claim an immediate deduction for certain start-up expenses, including professional, legal, and accounting advice.

    Health Insurance: 

    Ensure your private health insurance is up to date. The government rebate on private health insurance is income-tested, so keeping it current could affect your tax liabilities.

    • Check Coverage: Ensure your health insurance policy covers you for the full financial year. To qualify for the private health insurance rebate, you need to have appropriate cover and meet income tests.
    • Income Thresholds: The private health insurance rebate decreases as income increases and phases out completely above certain income thresholds (for example, $90,000 for singles and $180,000 for families).

    Suggested Read: Are Medical Expenses for Sole Traders Tax Deductible?

    Keep Records Organized: 

    Maintain accurate records of all income, expenses, and deductions. Use software or apps to streamline this process and make tax time less stressful.

    • Digital Tools: Use ATO-approved software such as MYOB, Xero, or QuickBooks to maintain digital records and generate accurate reports for tax purposes.
    • Regular Updates: Dedicate time at least monthly to reconcile bank statements, categorize expenses, and ensure all income is accounted for.

    Seek Professional Advice: 

    Consider consulting with a tax professional or accountant. They can provide tailored advice and ensure you’re maximizing your deductions while complying with tax laws.

    • Early Consultation: Book an appointment with a registered tax agent or accountant before the end of the financial year to discuss tax planning strategies.
    • Accountant Selection: Choose a tax professional who is registered with the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) and has experience in your industry or specific tax situation.

    Review Government Support Payments: 

    If you received government support payments, such as JobKeeper or other pandemic-related assistance, understand the tax implications and ensure you accurately report these in your tax return.

    • Documentation: Keep accurate records of government support payments received, including JobKeeper, COVID-19 disaster payments, or other relevant assistance.
    • Tax Implications: Understand the tax treatment of these payments as they might be taxable income or affect other tax benefits.

    Charitable Donations: 

    Don’t forget to claim deductions for any charitable donations you’ve made throughout the year. Ensure the organization you donate to is eligible for tax-deductible donations.

    • Eligibility Check: Confirm the organization’s Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status on the ATO website before making donations.
    • Documentation: Retain receipts or acknowledgment letters from the charity for all donations over $2 to claim deductions.

    Suggested Read: Can You Claim Gifts of Money under Donation Tax Deduction? Find Out Here

    Plan Ahead: 

    Use this time to plan for the next financial year. Review your financial goals, set a budget, and consider any changes in circumstances that might affect your tax position.

    • Financial Review: Evaluate your financial goals and consider any significant changes in income, investments, or personal circumstances that might affect your tax situation.
    • Tax Planning: Consult with a financial planner or tax professional to create a tax planning strategy that aligns with your financial goals for the upcoming financial year.

    Bonus: Financial Year Tax Tips for Australians​​

    Allocate a specific time, such as a weekend or an evening, a few weeks before the end of the financial year, to gather all essential documents and information needed for your tax return. Here’s a detailed plan:

    Create a Tax Document Checklist: 

    Make a detailed list of necessary documents like payment summaries, receipts for work-related expenses, dividend statements, and health insurance details. Use the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website as a guide to ensure you’ve covered all bases.

    Organize Receipts and Invoices: 

    Sort receipts and invoices by category (work-related expenses, donations, investments) and ensure they are easily accessible. Utilize digital tools like smartphone apps (e.g., ATO myDeductions) to capture and store receipts promptly.

    Suggested Read: Can You Claim Deductions Without Receipts in Australia?

    Check Bank Statements: 

    Review bank statements for any income sources like interest earned, dividends, or rental income. Cross-reference these with your income records to ensure accuracy.

    Review Super Contributions: 

    Consider making additional voluntary contributions to your superannuation fund if you have room within your contribution caps. Be mindful of contribution deadlines and processing times to ensure they reflect in this financial year.

    Maximize Deductions Early: 

    If you anticipate any deductible expenses or contributions, make them before June 30th to claim them in the current financial year. For instance, consider charitable donations or prepaying certain expenses like subscriptions, insurance premiums, or professional association fees.

    Utilize Government Incentives: 

    Take advantage of available government incentives such as the instant asset write-off for small businesses. Purchase eligible assets and ensure they’re installed and ready for use by June 30th to claim deductions.

    Consult with Professionals: 

    If you’re unsure about certain deductions or contributions, consider consulting with a tax professional or accountant. They can provide tailored advice to optimize your tax position.

    Check for Changes in Circumstances: 

    Review any changes in your personal or financial situation that might impact your taxes, such as changes in employment, investment gains or losses, or family circumstances.

    Double-Check for Missed Deductions: 

    Use your checklist as a guide to ensure you haven’t missed any potential deductions or income sources. Sometimes, overlooked receipts or small expenses can add up to significant deductions.

    File Early if Ready: 

    If you’ve gathered all necessary documents and information before the tax deadline, consider filing your return early. Filing early can lead to faster refunds and peace of mind.

    The Bottomline

     At the end of the financial year in Australia, it’s vital to take specific actions for smarter tax management. Gather all your receipts and essential documents to maximize deductions. Make sure your super contributions align with set caps for added tax advantages. Assess your investments to balance gains and losses strategically. Consider prepaying eligible expenses before June 30th to claim deductions. These end of financial year tax tips can significantly impact your tax outcomes.

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    • Jaxon Rylah

      Jaxon Rylah, an Australian of diverse heritage, brings a wealth of expertise to his role as an Author at Taxly.ai. With over 5 years of experience in the field, Jaxon's deep understanding of accounting principles and regulations allows him to provide...



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