Tax Refund Decoded, From Myths to Mastery for Self-Employed

Navigating through the complexities of tax refund can be a daunting task. Especially for self-employed individuals. Additionally, misconceptions associated with tax refunds for self-employed make it even more challenging. But don’t worry. You have landed in the right place. Here, I’ll provide you with a comprehensive guide, having a detailed step-by-step approach to lodge a […]

Tax Scam; Unraveling The Tactics of Fraudsters

Tax season is an annual ritual of navigating through receipts, forms, and deductions. It often brings the stress of filing returns. But this is not the only pressure. There is also a lurking threat of tax scam. Fraudsters are increasingly devising sophisticated tactics to trick the citizens. Tax scams come in various shapes. You might […]

Tax Free Threshold in Australia; Everything You Need to Know

Tax-free threshold holds a pivotal element of the tax system in Australia. It is the amount of yearly income you can earn without being subjected to tax. Currently, it’s $18,200. This means that if your earnings are below this figure, you don’t have to pay tax. However, if your income exceeds this limit, you’ll be […]

How to Minimise Capital Gains Tax on Investment Property Sale?

If you want to sell investment property in Australia, you will need to pay Capital Gains Tax. CGT is an integral aspect of investment planning, and knowing how it works can help you reduce its implications. Australia has set rules on when to pay CGT but on the flip side, there are some strategies which […]